Professor of Surgical Oncology and Consultant Surgeon
University Hospital of South Manchester NHS trust
Prof. Nigel Bundred is Professor of Surgical Oncology, University of Manchester and Consultant Surgeon at the University Hospital of South Manchester in Manchester, UK.
His research interests include pre-invasive cancer (ductal carcinoma in situ), breast cancer stem cells, bone metastases, management of bone health and lymphoedema prevention. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. His research in Manchester was recognised by the Royal College of Surgeons when he was appointed to a Hunterian Professorship in 1995.
He is a member of several medical societies and has been awarded numerous honours, as well as a National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Senior Investigator Award. Prof. Bundred has authored or co-authored over 220 peer-reviewed articles published in many journals, including the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, The Lancet, Lancet Oncology, Cancer Research and Cancer.
He is Chief Investigator on several national clinical trials (including EPHOS-B ) and has published extensively on the biology and treatment of breast cancer.
From 2007 until 2012 he was Greater Manchester National Cancer Research Network Lead and in 2012 became GM Clinical Research Network Director of Cancer Division.
He has been responsible for introducing several new innovative changes to patient care, including early discharge after surgery, sentinel node biopsy and genomic testing to predict therapy benefits.
Prof. Bundred has been awarded an NIHR Programme Grant for £1.6m entitled "Individualising breast cancer treatment to improve survival and minimise complications."
Hunterian Professorship, Royal College of Surgeons of England, 1995
International Guest Fellow, American College of Surgeons, 1996
Distinguished Guest Lecturer, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, 2007 and 2014
National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Senior Investigator, 2008-2017
Greater Manchester and Cheshire Cancer Research Network Clinical R&D Lead, 2007-date
North-West Surgical Trials Centre Director, 2013 - date
Membership of Committees:
British Breast Group
Member of the European School of Surgical Oncology
British Association for Cancer Research
British Association of Surgical Oncology (BASO) National Specialists Committee
European Editor Surgical Oncology Journal: 2002-2006
Editorial Board British Journal of Surgery: 2000-2006
Scientific Advisory Committee: Breast Cancer Campaign: 2002-2005
Over 220 peer reviewed publications covering of all aspects of breast cancer management and laboratory and clinically- based breast research, endocrine surgery and endocrine cancer.